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Seeding Issues
I found out what's the problem. But not how to fix it. For unknown reasons, the tracker doesn't let me know in live about new peers, leechers, seeders etc. I need to manually update the tracker to get those informations. That's why I don't upload anything, my client doesn't even know there're new leechers. Any solution ?


I've downloaded Vuze few days ago. It's incredible how fast I download and upload with it, in comparison to utorrent/bittorent etc.

But I've a problem, I created a torrent, started the seeding. And first problem, it's not seeding. Tho the tracker is displaying "OK", there are absolutely no error message anywhere. I decide to actualize the Tracker, and pouf it works, upload at 16MB/s, perfect. I watch a series, when it's over I check back Vuze, and same error. It's not uploading(Seeding), tho there are no error message. I uploaded only 1000Mb, when the torrent(800Mb) I made was downloaded over 100 Times. So I thought it was the same problem, I actualized the tracker and it started back to upload(seed).

It's a big problem, cause I do not know every how much time the torrents stop uploading for no reasons(It doesn't show any error message). And I cannot get back every minutes to check and/or to actualize the tracker.. 

Thanks for help !

PS: When I say it's not seeding, in the state it's "Seeding", just so you know
It still does it.

I create a torrent, I upload at 19MB/s for 3 minutes, then all of a sudden I do not upload anymore. Tracker status is "Online", torrent status is "Forced seeding". When I update the tracker, it immediately goes back at 13MB/s. Why ? Why do I need to actualize the tracker to make it work again, when it shoes NO error message ?
If you are running a private torrent and the tracker is saying 'update every 30 minutes' then the client (Vuze,uTorrent etc) MUST NOT go to the tracker looking for new peers more frequently that every 30 minutes. That is one of the 'rules' of torrenting. 

So for private torrents (non-private ones have alternative ways of locating peers other than the tracker) you are stuck with this behviour. If another client is hitting the tracker more frequently then it should be banned by the tracker admin,
parg\ dateline='\'1490375362' Wrote: If you are running a private torrent and the tracker is saying 'update every 30 minutes' then the client (Vuze,uTorrent etc) MUST NOT go to the tracker looking for new peers more frequently that every 30 minutes. That is one of the 'rules' of torrenting. 

So for private torrents (non-private ones have alternative ways of locating peers other than the tracker) you are stuck with this behviour. If another client is hitting the tracker more frequently then it should be banned by the tracker admin,


EDIT:Alright so I just compared how it acts on utorrent and vuze. On utorrent, the amount clients connected is, as I said, updating like every seconds. Without updating the tracker, just the list of clients connected to me or in the swarm. Which is what I want on vuze, so I don't need to wait every f** 30 minutes to be able to seed during 5 mins then wait 30 mins again.
I can record how it does so you can understand what I mean. And I know, you will say "go back on utorrent then", but the fact is Vuze is soooo faster than utorrent.. So I'm stuck I need your help really :/

So, let's say I create a new download at 12:00. Next tracker update sending me infos like who is downloading the file so he can download from me will be sent at 12:30 ? That makes no sense :/
I think it's something about scrape or I don't know.
Actually, if I get a list of peers at 12:00, once they all finished to download, let's say at 12:10, the next 20 minutes I won't know about who is needing the file.
I'm a previous user of utorrent and bittorrent, it was different. Tracker updated every 30 mins yes, but I still got new peers whenever they started the download. And I think it's smth about scrape.
I'm using Vuze mainly cause it's like 2x faster and seems way stabler.

I'm sure at 100% this isn't a normal situation and that there're some solution

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