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Can anyone tell me why i cannot get any inbound connections?
  Outbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Seed,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Seed,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Seed,connected, hand sent, hand !recv, bitf !sent, bitf !recv
    Outbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Seed,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Seed,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    No incoming connections received, likely NAT problems
  Incoming routing destroyed for 2806D1F1F5FF99936073C4ACAB8C09CF1B10AB05

Using a VPN? Does the NAT test fail under Tools->Help ?
'parg dateline='' Wrote: Using a VPN? Does the NAT test fail under Tools->Help ?


Yes I am using Express VPN which is great! Vuze binds to it and I get green routing icon and fast downloads but still no incoming. The NAT test always says fail on inbound connections. I don't know what else to do!
Does Express VPN support incoming port mappings? Some VPNs do, e.g. PIA has

Otherwise you won't get NAT working.
I can not get VUZE to work. I fail the NAT test . I had to re install Windows 10 and it has not worked since. I can't find out why. 

Test starting
Default public address is
0 NAT devices found
No SOCKS proxy found
No HTTP proxy found
No explicit bind address set
Testing HTTP outbound Test successful
Testing TCP outbound   Test successful
Testing UDP outbound   Test successful
Testing TCP port 14565 inbound
    Test failed: NAT test failed: Connection timed out (
    Check your port forwarding for TCP 14565
Testing UDP port 14565 inbound
    Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=5000)
    Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=10000)
    Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=15000)

I have no idea what to do. Can anyone help me or direct me to where I can fix it .
Has anyone gotten an answer, or worked it out? I'm having the same problem, it would seem. When I download a fresh/popular torrent, it seems to go ok. They download at a decent speed, although I never seem to use all the bandwidth I've allocated. I definitely never use all the upload bandwidth available, especially when seeding only. I'm only ever using a few Kb/s, when I have set upload bandwidth to 8 Mb/s. Yet, my NAT light is green, as is my Routing light. Also, I used to see an average of 1.2 million users online, whereas now, I never see more than a half-million users, usually less.

When I run the NAT/Server Port test, this is my result:
Quote:Testing port UDP 21648 ... 
    Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=5000)
    Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=10000)
    Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=15000)
    Sending completion event
NAT Error. Inbound test failed, timed out.

Likewise, when I run the Network Status test, I get this complaint:
Quote:Testing TCP port 13550 inbound    Test failed: NAT test failed: Connection to (your computer) refused    Check your port forwarding for TCP 13550

The IP shown is that of the VPN server I'm using. I'm using, and I use their servers marked "P2P Optimized", whatever that means. I am wondering where the problem lies. Is it my settings?

Mac OS X (10.11.6)
Airport Extreme router (NAT Port Mapping enabled)
NAT-PMP and UPnP enabled within Vuze V5.7.2.0/4 az3 (Java 1.8.0_66 (64 bit)

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