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RSS Feed Console Setup
I was able to set up my local RSS feed by using the information provided here. Now I am trying to do the whole process again but strictly using the Console interface for Vuze. I'm guessing that the configuration lies somewhere in the results of running 'set' in the console, but that is as far as I know. I also need to know how to access plugins for use while in the console. Any advice is appreciated. 
Ah, the console UI is rather impoverished when it comes to plugins I'm afraid - is there any way you could configure things using the Vuze UI and then copy the azureus.config file to the machine running the console UI? Not 100% sure this would work either but its all I can think of.

Although you can in theory set some of the plugin parameters using the 'set' command, this plugin has 'action' parameters that would need some way of being made accessible from the console UI (e.g. the 'Publish' button, when pressed, causes a number of configuration actions occur involving structured parameter storage (maps containing byte[]s etc))
(09-03-2014, 01:16 PM)'parg' Wrote: Ah, the console UI is rather impoverished when it comes to plugins I'm afraid - is there any way you could configure things using the Vuze UI and then copy the azureus.config file to the machine running the console UI? Not 100% sure this would work either but its all I can think of.

Although you can in theory set some of the plugin parameters using the 'set' command, this plugin has 'action' parameters that would need some way of being made accessible from the console UI (e.g. the 'Publish' button, when pressed, causes a number of configuration actions occur involving structured parameter storage (maps containing bytes etc))


Is it possible to just add a RSS subscription through console? Without using any plugins just the basic subscription method that would be found in the GUI side. 

Is there anyway to create categories and add torrents to them on the console side as well as any way to subscribe to RSS feeds through the console interface. Also if I have a RSS subscription set up on the GUI and then shutdown the GUI and start the CLI is that subscription no longer recognized? Another question is how do you change the IP for when you create a local RSS. The default is and other machines can't connect to this. Is it possible to change this ip?
(09-04-2014, 11:47 AM)'aealvarez3' Wrote: Is there anyway to create categories and add torrents to them on the console side as well as any way to subscribe to RSS feeds through the console interface. Also if I have a RSS subscription set up on the GUI and then shutdown the GUI and start the CLI is that subscription no longer recognized? Another question is how do you change the IP for when you create a local RSS. The default is and other machines can't connect to this. Is it possible to change this ip?

As you can tell, subscriptions aren't supported in the command line interface - could be added I guess but it would take a bit of work... I might take a quick look if I get a chance.

Regarding the for the feed, you should be able to also browse to the IP address of your machine to access the feed (in my case works although I had to change the access permissions in the 'Local RSS etc' config set up (default is 'local' only). If you have a router Vuze will by default attempt to open a port for you - you should review the accessibility requirements for the feed and set permissions appropriately. 

I found a bit of time -

Subscriptions will now work in the console UI when configured using the GUI - before the console UI didn't initialise the subscription handler at all.

Probably doesn't do everything you need but its hopefully a step in the right direction.
This was definitely a huge step in the right direction and has helped me out immensely. Thank you parg for all you support. After changing some of the set configs the console recognizes the RSS Feed Generator plugin and with your addition of categories I can now make RSS feeds entirely from the console side. Thank you again for all your help parg you have helped me out more then you know and I truely appreciate it. 

One final curiosity on the console side do the subscriptions automatically update without running the "subs update" command? If they do what is the time interval in which they update and is it possible to set a time interval for the subscriptions to update. 
They should auto-update every 2 hours by default. I'll add an option to set the refresh period and also extend the information displayed by 'subs list' to include the frequency and last update date.
Does Vuze not run its auto-update of subscriptions when it is running in daemon mode? I made vuze run in daemon mode with the script i found here. I added a new torrent to one of the subscriptions and left both machines up for well past 2 hours but my machine running daemonized never downloads the new torrent added to the feed. 
Shouldn't make any difference - wait until the next beta and see if you can make it scan more frequently and check that it is doing to?
Any eta on the next beta release?
B09 should have it in - when you do a "subs list" (for example) you should see the refresh period and the last update time. 

Command "subs set_updatemins <mins>" can be used to change the refresh period.
My daemonized vuze still does not update the subscription while running in daemon mode. I have "subs set_updatemins 10" checked to make sure it worked while running vuze normally in the console and everything works fine. Once i daemonize it i check my downloads directory after about 20 mins to give it suffcient time to download if it updates but the new torrent does not show up in my download directory. If i kill the daemon and pop back into the regular console mode it updates and the time shown for last update is the current time of me running vuze in the console, and it begins the download of the new torrent on the feed. Any clue as to what might be the issue?

"subs set_updatemins <mins>" option does not show up when you run "subs". It works if you run the command but there is no entry of it for reference. 
Ah yes, sorry about that, the 'help' text is missing (added for next beta)

Regarding the daemon process - are you sure that it is running from the correct location so that it picks up your configuration? 

Whenever I want to run something in the background I use 'screen' - that way you can re-attach to the process and run commands, monitor it etc.

You could try replacing /dev/null with an actual file to try and capture output from the daemon process as well
I did what you suggested running it in the background using screen and everything worked like a charm! Thanks again for all your help parg it is truely appreciated. Until next time!

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