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Prevent Vuze from DL w/ my real IP address?
My short question is in the subject line. I understand this process is called "secure binding." Here's the context.

I susbscribed to a highly rated service, NordVPN.  I don't torrent daily/consistently--it's in batches based mostly on free time. I have a ritual. First I open the VPN app (I only use it when torrenting) which involves choosing a P2P server. Then I open Vuze and torrent.

But what if I get out of sync....I'm torrenting with my real IP and my Internet Service Provider may not like that. 

I've seen screen shots on how to use other VPN providers + Vuze. They seem to involve a "Use this [fake] IP address" approach. Here's the thing, I choose a different server (out of over 3000 worldwide), with the least load at the moment, which means a different IP address every time. So it seems to only make sense to tell Vuze "DO NOT use this [actual] IP address (mine)."

Any help on how to make sure Vuze only transfers while VPN protection is on?

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