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One of the most solid JVM tuning settings
Hi, fellas, I've found that set mostly here - - check this out.

Here are the full listing


You can use Server JRE due to "-server" and "-d64", 64-bit Java increasing performances itself. Just copy manually Server JRE's packages and place to "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121", I am on Win 10, then just add to the system environment variables variable "EXE4J_JAVA_HOME" with a path to java binaries location. 

Using "-XX:+UseParNewGC" with "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC" & "-XX:ParallelGCThreads=10" birngs low GC pauses with high throughput at same time, that's the main thing. You can lower "-XX:ParallelGCThreads=10" value, if, say, while you watching Twitch's streams you are encountering browser's & watching CPU interrupting. Or you can install and use Process Lasso app for setting up Azureus.exe process priority class at least to Below normal.
Some clarifications, looks like "-Xss128k" causes some problems like StackOverflowError, do not opening Sources tab, even huge stack with getting peers. So, better leave it with default, just remove it or uncomment with "#-Xss128k"

Too not bad set, such a superlightweight like... 


If adding these flags 


then things goes up faster and kind of stronger, recommending.


Finally a good set with fine performances...

Some improvements, just give a try for that.


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