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Newto Vuze & now can't download
I just recently started using Vuze & it worked perefectly for about 2 maybe 3 days.Then it stopped being able to find seeders/trackers. I use Exede satelitte internet with a wired connection through a modem plus a router. I can't even get new torrents to even load to even try to see how it'd do now. I don't know if I use a VPN connection or not or evenhow to tell. Here is my system info:
Java 1.8.0_112 (64 bit)
 Oracle Corporation
c:\program files\vuze\jre
SWT v4508, win32
Windows 7 v6.1, amd64
V5.7.4.0/4 az3
I did a Network Status Test & got this:
Test starting
Default public address is
Bindable addresses:,
1 NAT device found
    R6220 (Gateway): address=, public address=
No SOCKS proxy found
No HTTP proxy found
No explicit bind address set
Testing HTTP outbound
    Test successful
Testing TCP outbound
    Test successful
Testing UDP outbound
    Test successful
Testing TCP port 33345 inbound
    Test successful
Testing UDP port 33345 inbound
    Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=5000)
    Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=10000)
    Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=15000)
    Sending completion event
    Test failed: Inbound test failed
    Check your port forwarding for UDP 33345
1 public/external addresses found
    AS details: as=7155,asn=VIASAT-SP-BACKBONE - ViaSat,Inc., US, bgp_prefx=[/]
Vuze Services test
    Vuze Website -
        Certificate: CN=*, OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL®, OU=See ©15, OU=GT10270993
        Connection result: 200/OK
    Client Website -
        Certificate: CN=*, OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL®, OU=See ©15, OU=GT10270993
        Connection result: 200/OK
    Version Server -
        Connection result: 200/OK
    Pairing Server -
        Certificate: CN=*, OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL®, OU=See ©15, OU=GT10270993
        Connection result: 200/OK
    License Server -
        Certificate: CN=*, OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL®, OU=See ©15, OU=GT10270993
        Connection result: 200/OK
    Plugins Website -
        Certificate: CN=*, OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL®, OU=See ©15, OU=GT10270993
        Connection result: 200/OK
Indirect Connect test
    Connecting to
    Certificate: CN=*, OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL®, OU=See ©15, OU=GT10270993
    Connection result: 200/OK
Distributed protocol test
  Incoming routing established for 5354C711B504481FE6759B5036A6DB82EFA29408
  Searching 0 contacts for 0 test targets
  Searching complete, 0 targets found
      insufficient outbound connects for analysis
  Incoming routing destroyed for 5354C711B504481FE6759B5036A6DB82EFA29408
Test complete
  Destroying tester
If anyone knows how to fix this -I appreciate it-thanks
(also I hope that I did not double post this)
Im new aswell but had vuze for a long time just couldnt work it out if your torrents are just queued or seeding I stopped all of mine and deleted each one by one and redownloaded them one at a time and now each one is slowly downloading
I can't even get a torrent to load into Vuze now :( I get this message.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
(02-14-2017, 10:16 PM)'sharia45601' Wrote: I can't even get a torrent to load into Vuze now :( I get this message.

Sharia, welcome.  If there are no sources for the torrent, there are no sources.  Try downloading the torrent from another source (another torrent site).  Or go to another torrent site, search for the torrent and magnet link it to Vuze.  Sometimes just retrying a to download the torrent works.  Is this happening with ALL torrents you try to download?  Is the site you are trying to download from up anjd running?  There are so many reasons why this could be happening, usually due to external factors outside of Vuze
I tried downloading the same thing from a couple different sites -made sure seeders were high. Checked trackers to make sure it had em there. I even tried with a couple different browsers. It still doesn't work. I reset the configuration back to default &it worked for a day then went back ta not working again. Strange huh?
(02-17-2017, 12:01 PM)'sharia45601' Wrote: I tried downloading the same thing from a couple different sites -made sure seeders were high. Checked trackers to make sure it had em there. I even tried with a couple different browsers. It still doesn't work. I reset the configuration back to default &it worked for a day then went back ta not working again. Strange huh?

You probably have checked all these things, but is Vuze (Azureus) being allowed through your firewall?  Do you have a second firewall on any router you are using?  Are you using a VPN?  Does your ISP block torrenting stes?
Is Vuze (Azureus) being allowed through your firewall? - As far as I know it is. I did check & set allowances in my Windows7 firewall.

Do you have a second firewall on any router you are using? - Not that I know of.How do I check this though

Are you using a VPN? - Not really sure what this is. I have Peer Block but never had issues with it-though I'm not sure it gets any list updates anymore.

Does your ISP block torrenting stes? - I've no idea.My problems just started within past few weeks to maybe a month ago.
To check if your router has a firewall, look at your router documentation or call the manufacturer.

Depending on what you are downloading, you really need to invest in a Virtual Privacy Network (VPN).  Peerblock will filter many nasties out, but will not provide total protection.  You should know or find out if PeerBlock is updating or not.  Are you relying on the IP filtering in Vuze, which uses PeerBlock (iBlockList) definitions or do you have PeerBlock on your system?

You should call you ISP and see if they allow torrenting.  They may have decided to not allow it just a month ago.  A VPN can fix this too.  I use PureVPN and am satisfied, but you really need to do some research on VPN's to find what will satisfy your need.
I have Peer Block on my system but it says this on the update page-see attachment.
I'm not sure on settings though. I'll have to find my router papers & I don't have papers for modem.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
OK...without a subscription, it updates once a week.  I think is is just a few dollars for a subscription to update as often as you like, but PeerBlock is not enough, depending on what you are downloading.

Modems usually do not have a firewall, so it is unimportant to find papers.
In any case, you may have to allow a connection through PeerBlock.  Without a VPN, you are exposing yourself to many prying eyes, even WITH PeerBlock.  Relying on PeerBlock and creating exceptions in it is a very poor security option.

By no means am I questioning your familiarity with torrenting or your computer setup, but you would probably benefit from some hands on help with resolving these issues.  It is difficult to address technical things like this via messages.

Ultimately, you just want to be able to download files with Vuze.  I know that, but there are many technical aspects with your setup that may be the culprit, instead of Vuze.
The subscription is bought at
According to the online manual that I downloaded from my router's website,it doesn't have a firewall.It did have instructions on setting it up for a Dynamic DNS server with a place called NoIP I believe. It also has a VPN service through OpenVPN. I'm hoping that I set everything up correctly as I was following the manual. Though now I have to figure out how to reset up Vuze with this setup now.That way I can test this out & see if it helped. Though I did find an online site that helps some with smaller torrent files til I get this figured out called ZbigZ.It seems ok so far.
Sharia, just because your router has VPN capabilities does not mean it is using them.  Unless you are signed up with a VPN, you will not be able to get the appropriate files to upload to the router.  Once it is setup you should not have to change anything in Vuze.  On the other hand, a router based VPN will encrypt everything attached to it. If you are not connecting any other devices, it may be better to have a VPN on your computer instead of your router.  There is more and easier flexibility with a computer based VPN.

Let's not lose sight of your main issue.  You want to download torrents and they are not being found.  A VPN is simply a way of you remaining anonymous.  It will not resolve your issue by itself, it will only protect you.

I myself have spent HOURS tweaking my configuration in Vuze.  Knowing how many factors can come into play with issues such as yours, I am saying you would be best served by someone who can address all the variables, perhaps in person or at least over the phone.  It would take days, maybe weeks, of messaging here for all possibilities to be examined, especially if you have limited technical knowledge.

Depending on what you are trying to download, there are certain prerequisites that should be in place as a torrenter, before you even begin to download.  One of which is a good VPN.  Without at least that, changing anything in your Vuze configuration will not be adequate to keep you completely anonymous.
true but weird thing is - the torrents that I can't download on my computer -I can get thru the ZbigZ website. If the problem was no trackers or seeders-how would they get the files?To use it,I have to download the .torrent file to my comp then upload the .torrent file to ZbigZ & they retrieve the item & then I download the item to my comp. So I'm wondering if it's something in my internet being the issue.
I am very sorry Sharia, but I am totally unfamiliar with zBigz and how it works and thus cannot offer any insight into the conundrum.

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