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New updates problem
Hopefully someone reads this and helps, but that doesnt seem to ever happen....

Anyway, just updated to newer version Vuze (when I logged in, it said new updates ready so I uploaded them) And now nothing works at all. I cannot download anything and I cannot open any of my downloads to watch. They just are a black screen and never comes on. As for downloading, it shows the amount of seeds and  peers and acts like it wants to download but it does not. I reset the VPN part and that all seems to be working well but still nothing downloads at all. 

Everything doesnt work now at all. Blank screen when i try to view a show, downloads are stalled, so nothing at all since the update...

Everything is messed up. It sticks....I cannot delete anything at all. I tried to delete downloads  I have and it would not delete. I tried to download something new and it will start and about 10 seconds in it will stop, so I try to stop it and delete it and that does not work.  Just totally random weirdness since new update
Just as I thought, I dont think anyone monitors this page. No one ever answers :(   I have been waiting on several issues but I havent got responses on any of them accept one awhile ago  Sad
Maybe you have a disk problem? Try checking it
Parg as staff member, your reply was not helpful.
So you tried checking your disks then? Because downloads that can't be deleted/stop after a short time are an potential indicator that Vuze is having IO problems with the device they are stored on.
Everything (discs, hard drive, external hard drive) were checked and were ok. After about 6 reboots Vuze started working correctly again, sorta. It is doing most things well. The sound problem is still around. After download the volume is extremely low and when burned too the sound is down. I tried several downloads of the same thing and also many others and sound is still low. But overall performance is a bit better. Vuze does seem unstable at times though...just an opinion.

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