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Is there a decent guide for setting up automatic downloads via RSS Feeds w/Vuze?
Hello! Is there a decent guide for setting up automatic downloads via RSS Feeds w/Vuze? (Mac/OSX)

It doesn't seem like there is much information available that doesn't require 3rd-party software.. From my research, I guess Vuze has it's own built-in RSS Feed Downloading function, so I'd rather keep it to the essentials if Vuze is capable of this on it's own.. 

I'm looking to be have access to multiple types of content (not just TV Shows, which seems to be the "common" tutorials out there).. Please let me know! If somebody has a video or would be kind enough to make a quick one, that would be very appreciated! Thanks! :)
AFAIK, Vuze doesn't have a built in RSS reader. You might be mistakenly thinking about the built in RSS publisher, which makes a RSS feed of whatever you're seeding. That's most likely not what you're looking for.

If you need help further, I've set up RSSFeed Scanner plugin for TV Shows about two weeks ago and I might be able to help you set it up as well.
I'm just looking at setting this up now using the RSS Filter plugin.  

I've been using RSS feeds for a long time with uTorrent for Mac, but I can't get that program to bind to a network interface (VPN tunnel), so I'm looking at switching to Vuze.  A few questions so I can replicate my RSS uTorrent setup into Vuze.

In uTorrent "?" is used as a single character wildcard and "*" as a universal wildcard, so for example to get the TV Show "12 Monkeys" I would have a filter "12?Monkeys*".  What's the best equivalent wildcards to use in Vuze?

With most TV shows, I have them set up to either do what is labelled as HDTV, PDTV or WebRip quality, ignore all others.  Basically I want to aim for is 480i-576p when it comes to TV shows and avoid 720p or higher as a storage space compromise.   What's the best way to set this up in Vuze?

I can set up torrents found in feeds to go to be added to the top of the queue in uTorrent, I can only see an option to add them to the queue in Vuze, not to add them to the top/bottom of it?
'royaldansk dateline='' Wrote: Hello! Is there a decent guide for setting up automatic downloads via RSS Feeds w/Vuze? (Mac/OSX)

It doesn't seem like there is much information available that doesn't require 3rd-party software.. 


I'm away from my computer, but I'll try to help. It's not that difficult.

1) There is a "Subscriptions" -item on the list on the left. Notice the gray + -sign next to it? Press it.
2) A popup should open. Choose the tab that says RSS.
3) Write the RSS -address you got from where you want to download.
4) Press ok (or similar)
5) A view opens where is "Advances settings" -button.
OPTIONAL: 6) Press the Advanced settings -button and you can specify what kind of items you want to download, such as "publicdomainmovie1|publicdomainmovie2 1080p|720p". Here you can also specify what you don't want to download "copyrightedmovie"
7) Check the checkbox on the right top corner that says something like "Download automatically"
8) Press Next
9) Press Save

There you go. There seems to be some kind of issue currently (at least on my Vuze) so that the step 8 doesn't work. This is a recent development. If you try to set up a subscription like this, please tell if it works for you so I can tell if it just my environment which is broken.
I set up a new RSS feed about 6 or 8 days ago using this method tero . . . and it worked fine for me.  I currently only have 2 RSS feeds running and they are working fine . . . but I am far from an expert.


I am running:

Java 1.7.0_67
Mac OS X 10.10.3

But I upgraded Java in the last 24 - 48 hours.

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