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I always get “Vuze did not shut down tidily” because...
I've been using Vuze for years, and I love it. Lately, I've been getting an error message every time I start Vuze, saying “Vuze did not shut down tidily”. I even did a clean reinstall in case the problem was some kind of corrupted file, and the message still appears almost every time.

After some testing, I think I now know why it happens.

If I go to File > Exit and wait until the Vuze window closes to shut down the OS, the next time the message will appear. On the contrary, if I wait like 10 min or more to shut down Windows, the next time there will be no message at all in Vuze.

I think the problem is Vuze just keeps running in the background when its window closes itself, and the Vuze process keeps running for some more minutes until it actually shuts down for good. I bet I'm not the only one with this issue... I don't know what could be the cause.

I don't know if there could be any relation, but I also noticed lately Vuze uses around 5 % of CPU. I don't remember it consumed so much a couple of years ago...

My current CPU is an Intel i7, on Windows 7 x64, 6 GB RAM, regular Seagate HDD (a little bit full, but not very fragmented). Java is usually the latest version.

It's not a very important problem, but I thought the devs should know it, just in case...

Best regards.
It should take a maximum of 60 seconds to closedown, I do see this some times with the I2P Helper plugin as it takes a while to shut down the network when Vuze closes
Yesterday, I closed Vuze like an hour before shutting down the computer.

Today, the message appeared again.

Definitely, there's something more going on here...
Yep I get the same thing now and again but not always and I'm using Linux not windows so it seems a cross platform issue as well.

My machine although 9 years old in June shuts down in approx 5 seconds (SSD HD) so I just expected it to be like you said the program needed more time to shut itself down but as I have done an exit to the program a long time between re starts and still occasionally get the problem, I don't know, but the program itself works fine!

(05-25-2016, 04:09 PM)'ianmcqui' Wrote: Yep I get the same thing now and again but not always and I'm using Linux not windows so it seems a cross platform issue as well.

My machine although 9 years old in June shuts down in approx 5 seconds (SSD HD) so I just expected it to be like you said the program needed more time to shut itself down but as I have done an exit to the program a long time between re starts and still occasionally get the problem, I don't know, but the program itself works fine!



Thanks for your reply and letting us know you have the same issue!

Indeed, as you say it's strange because Vuze seems to work just as always, but suddenly the message started to appear almost every time I run it... Even when I wait hours before shutting down the OS, or even exiting Vuze and starting it again in two or three hours...
Count me too on this, for sure a component is not shutting in time...
I am on Seven 32bit and even if I shutdown Vuze manually it takes almost a minute before closing, very easy to check if the interface (BTW, I'm on the classic UI) is open.
Same message "Fuze did not shut down tidily" here… I'm on Mac OS 10.11. No remedy, just saying me too.
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My problem seems fixed since I disabled the I2P Helper plugin, which as I explained in other thread, was using too much CPU on my computer.

I never get this message anymore.

I guess we'll have to wait until I2P is well implemented to use it normally...

Best regards.
(05-14-2016, 09:55 AM)'Valtiel' Wrote: I've been using Vuze for years, and I love it. Lately, I've been getting an error message every time I start Vuze, saying “Vuze did not shut down tidily”. I even did a clean reinstall in case the problem was some kind of corrupted file, and the message still appears almost every time.


I get this about 9 of 10 shutdowns. Fairly recently started (this year?) hard to pinpoint. I do check on task manager to ensure the task is completely shut before starting again. I'm also having trouble with Vuze starting a new instance when opening a torrent file. Works fine for a while, then boom out of the blue it tries to start a new instance. If I use the "open torrents" function after this point it goes not responding forever.

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