08-10-2015, 02:49 PM
Can anyone me .. I have just installed Norton 2015 and now i am unable to download anything.
I get Errors lik "Failed to establish listen on port 6905" and "Error:socket selector open() 10 times" it states they are likely to be firewalled.
I have tried to disable the firewall and try again but it stillcomes up with the errors.
Can anyone advise on how i can get round this and accept downloads. i currently have 117 listed saying all the same thing.
I did a test and this was the result.
"~Test starting
0 NAT devices found
No SOCKS proxy found
No HTTP proxy found
No explicit bind address set
Testing HTTP outbound
Test failed: Outbound test failed
Testing TCP outbound
Test failed: Outbound test failed
Testing UDP outbound
Test failed: Outbound test failed
Testing TCP port 29036 inbound
Test failed: NAT test failed: Error: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 87: create
Check your port forwarding for TCP 29036
Testing UDP port 29036 inbound
Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=5000)
Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=10000)
Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=15000)
Sending completion event
Test failed: Inbound test failed
Check your port forwarding for UDP 29036
No public addresses found
Vuze Services test
Vuze Website - http://www.vuze.com
Failed: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 87: create
Client Website - client.vuze.com
Failed: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 87: create
Version Server - version.vuze.com
Failed: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 87: create
Pairing Server - pair.vuze.com
Failed: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 87: create
License Server - license.vuze.com
Failed: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 87: create
Plugins Website - plugins.vuze.com
Failed: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 87: create
Indirect Connect test
No plugin proxy available
For the plugin installer see http://azureus.sourceforge.net/plugin_de...os=Windows
Distributed protocol test
Incoming routing established for 214E823C646140A459B950587E2F0B970C3265AB
Searching 0 contacts for 0 test targets
Searching complete, 0 targets found
insufficient outbound connects for analysis
Incoming routing destroyed for 214E823C646140A459B950587E2F0B970C3265AB
Test complete
Destroying tester"
Can anyone me .. I have just installed Norton 2015 and now i am unable to download anything.
I get Errors lik "Failed to establish listen on port 6905" and "Error:socket selector open() 10 times" it states they are likely to be firewalled.
I have tried to disable the firewall and try again but it stillcomes up with the errors.
Can anyone advise on how i can get round this and accept downloads. i currently have 117 listed saying all the same thing.
I did a test and this was the result.
"~Test starting
0 NAT devices found
No SOCKS proxy found
No HTTP proxy found
No explicit bind address set
Testing HTTP outbound
Test failed: Outbound test failed
Testing TCP outbound
Test failed: Outbound test failed
Testing UDP outbound
Test failed: Outbound test failed
Testing TCP port 29036 inbound
Test failed: NAT test failed: Error: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 87: create
Check your port forwarding for TCP 29036
Testing UDP port 29036 inbound
Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=5000)
Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=10000)
Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=15000)
Sending completion event
Test failed: Inbound test failed
Check your port forwarding for UDP 29036
No public addresses found
Vuze Services test
Vuze Website - http://www.vuze.com
Failed: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 87: create
Client Website - client.vuze.com
Failed: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 87: create
Version Server - version.vuze.com
Failed: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 87: create
Pairing Server - pair.vuze.com
Failed: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 87: create
License Server - license.vuze.com
Failed: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 87: create
Plugins Website - plugins.vuze.com
Failed: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 87: create
Indirect Connect test
No plugin proxy available
For the plugin installer see http://azureus.sourceforge.net/plugin_de...os=Windows
Distributed protocol test
Incoming routing established for 214E823C646140A459B950587E2F0B970C3265AB
Searching 0 contacts for 0 test targets
Searching complete, 0 targets found
insufficient outbound connects for analysis
Incoming routing destroyed for 214E823C646140A459B950587E2F0B970C3265AB
Test complete
Destroying tester"