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Disk write use by another process
AMD phenom II x6 1055t 2,81GHz
4Gb ram
100/100 fibre 

Java 1.8.0_60
 Oracle Corporation
SWT v4508, win32
Windows 7 v6.1, amd64
V5.6.2.0/4 az3


my first post here on the forum and not super forumsavvy :) but since I figured out a couple of problems I've had with vuze and couldn't find any post about it I thought I'd share.

I've been using Vuze for quite some time but never had any big problems until a week ago. I was downloading a couple of big packs (60 & 90 Gb) when I started getting errors:

"disk write fails, flush fails the file *****.avi is in use by another process"  

I think it might have happened before but then Ive just restarted vuze and it's been fine (probably because of my reasonably fast connection, i e it's finnished downloading before the error has occured again) anyways after a fair bit of googling I was pretty sure it was some sort of background indexing/scanning that did it so I found this:

It explains how to figure out what processes are locking the file(s) (also read the comments and don't use Unlocker unless you like malware) In his case it was the thumbnailviewer but for me I found it to be AVAST & windows indexing so I simply turned off the windows indexing for that partition

open an explorer window
right-click the partition
click properties
uncheck the last box that says something like "allow for files on this unit to be indexed past the fileproperties"
(I have a swedish version of windows)
click ok

and for AVAST I excluded my vuze download folder from scans:

click settings
scroll down to exclusions
and browse to or enter the path for your downloadfolder
(in my case   E:\downloads\vuze downloads)
click ok

Filezilla was also using that folder but since I wasn't using it I just uninstalled it, not sure if it was causing any problems but I wouldn't think so, just figured I'd mention it

Anyways I hope this can be of help to someone and I hope I didn't break too many forum rules :)

(09-24-2015, 06:24 AM)'kn4s' Wrote: AMD phenom II x6 1055t 2,81GHz
4Gb ram
100/100 fibre 

Java 1.8.0_60
 Oracle Corporation
SWT v4508, win32
Windows 7 v6.1, amd64
V5.6.2.0/4 az3


my first post here on the forum and not super forumsavvy :) but since I figured out a couple of problems I've had with vuze and couldn't find any post about it I thought I'd share.

I've been using Vuze for quite some time but never had any big problems until a week ago. I was downloading a couple of big packs (60 & 90 Gb) when I started getting errors:

"disk write fails, flush fails the file *****.avi is in use by another process"  

I think it might have happened before but then Ive just restarted vuze and it's been fine (probably because of my reasonably fast connection, i e it's finnished downloading before the error has occured again) anyways after a fair bit of googling I was pretty sure it was some sort of background indexing/scanning that did it so I found this:

It explains how to figure out what processes are locking the file(s) (also read the comments and don't use Unlocker unless you like malware) In his case it was the thumbnailviewer but for me I found it to be AVAST & windows indexing so I simply turned off the windows indexing for that partition

open an explorer window
right-click the partition
click properties
uncheck the last box that says something like "allow for files on this unit to be indexed past the fileproperties"
(I have a swedish version of windows)
click ok

and for AVAST I excluded my vuze download folder from scans:

click settings
scroll down to exclusions
and browse to or enter the path for your downloadfolder
(in my case   E:\downloads\vuze downloads)
click ok

Filezilla was also using that folder but since I wasn't using it I just uninstalled it, not sure if it was causing any problems but I wouldn't think so, just figured I'd mention it

Anyways I hope this can be of help to someone and I hope I didn't break too many forum rules :)



This worked for me, thanks!
i would also like to add my thanks, one of the problems i was having was also this, and doing what you said, appears to of fixed it
'kn4s' pid='5453' dateline='1443101070'
Quote:AMD phenom II x6 1055t 2,81GHz
4Gb ram
100/100 fibre 

Java 1.8.0_60
 Oracle Corporation
SWT v4508, win32
Windows 7 v6.1, amd64
V5.6.2.0/4 az3


my first post here on the forum and not super forumsavvy :) but since I figured out a couple of problems I've had with vuze and couldn't find any post about it I thought I'd share.

I've been using Vuze for quite some time but never had any big problems until a week ago. I was downloading a couple of big packs (60 & 90 Gb) when I started getting errors:

"disk write fails, flush fails the file *****.avi is in use by another process"  

I think it might have happened before but then Ive just restarted vuze and it's been fine (probably because of my reasonably fast connection, i e it's finnished downloading before the error has occured again) anyways after a fair bit of googling I was pretty sure it was some sort of background indexing/scanning that did it so I found this:

It explains how to figure out what processes are locking the file(s) (also read the comments and don't use Unlocker unless you like malware) In his case it was the thumbnailviewer but for me I found it to be AVAST & windows indexing so I simply turned off the windows indexing for that partition

open an explorer window
right-click the partition
click properties
uncheck the last box that says something like "allow for files on this unit to be indexed past the fileproperties"
(I have a swedish version of windows)
click ok

and for AVAST I excluded my vuze download folder from scans:

click settings
scroll down to exclusions
and browse to or enter the path for your downloadfolder
(in my case   E:\downloads\vuze downloads)
click ok

Filezilla was also using that folder but since I wasn't using it I just uninstalled it, not sure if it was causing any problems but I wouldn't think so, just figured I'd mention it

Anyways I hope this can be of help to someone and I hope I didn't break too many forum rules :)

I seem to have the same problem, with some variation. Avast is occasionally preventing disk writes. But it only seems to occur when my HDD gets overwhelmed by I/O requests - that is 100 Mbit/s download some upload of similar magnitude and Avast checking the files being downloaded. The end result is that my HDD sounds like the rotary cannon of an A-10 warthog...
Now, I can disable Avast, but the abuse of the HDD only decreases - does not disappear entirely. Interestingly neither the I/O error, nor the HDD abuse occur with my HDD that is attached with a USB 2.0 adapter. I suspect it might be due to the considerable amount of puffer Windows provides for the USB disk (ca. 0.5 GB).
Is it possible to change settings in vuze to be less aggressive regarding disk I/O?  My current max VM size is 247 MB, and the current cache size is 32 MB. I chose 32MB as it is suggested that having more than that is probably an overkill. Even if I increase the cache size to something like 200 MB I do not think that will help much - as I/O requests are somewhat random in nature (especially for read for seeding).
Any suggestion?

Java 1.8.0_71 (64 bit)
 Oracle Corporation
SWT v4508, win32
Windows 7 v6.1, x86
V5.7.0.0/4 az3
Avast antivirus
100/100 Mbit fiber

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