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Config Backup/Restore Failures
I probably should post multiple items, but here goes anyway...

Config Backup/Restore is not reliable, and eats it's own backups:

I had upped the number of backups to 10 so that when Windows crashed (regularly), I would have enough backup depth to make sure my tags were saved. Today all my tags disappeared after yet another crash.  I knew they were good yesterday (completion moving is set in the tag and only a few moved to the default completion directory).   I used last nights backup to restore.  A couple of problems there 1) "Vuze did not restart tidily..." and 2) Something undefined failed to install.  Bottom line, no good on the restore.  I went back two days, restored, and still no joy.  I went back yet another day, same results, same alerts, ditto.  No joy.  Even though the tags were good yesterday, they could not be restored from any backup.

And to the second part: Of the 10 backups, only 5 survived the restore attempts.  Every time Vuze restarted after a restore, it backed up the current configuration and ate the oldest backup.  That is not good!   Bottom line, tags are not being backed up properly in the config backup, and the backup itself is eating it's children (very much like Windows!).

So now I've got a few hundred torrents without tags, no belief that adding tags again will survive long, and about 7 Gigs of useless backups.

Any thoughts?

Can you send over a file and I'll see if there's any clues in it? Help menu, last option, select 'manual send' and then attach to an email to

Tag assignments are stored in the "tag.config" file. You could try manually locating that file in the most recent backup and manually replacing the current config file in the Vuze config directory (with Vuze shutdown when you do this)
OK, I just sent the

I manually copied the most recent backup to the current config and the tags were restored properly.  Thanks!

I also noticed the presence of tags.config.bad* files, .bad thru .bad7, not sure what these are for.
Should be fixed in next beta, thanks!
     Next time when you create a backup, make sure you copy to a seperate folder, or dropbox etc...
yes, I do agree but auto backup I suppose to delete old backups and it works fine for everyone.

You just have to manully manage your backups.

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