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Cannoy get rid of vuze PLus
Did the following
I - Unsintalled Plugins DVD and Antivirus - Does nothing at all.

II - Unintalled Vuze via the Control Panel
Searchd for vuze files and removed them all
Cleared the recycle bin-
Reinstalled vuze from

III- Another suggestion is delete files azureus.config and azureus.config.bak. A Windows search cannot find any of those files. I didi some manual searches and could not Find anything like this.

Run the install program.
Your documentation is always bad and not updated. I do not have a backup copy of Windows 10. Microsoftt updated it from 8.1-
COMMENT NETOYER LA CASERNE? In English "how to clean the latrines"

IV - I have been 32 years in Burroughs Corporation, now Unisys. In 1975-1977 I was in the SWIFT TEAM in the Philadelphia area.
To me documentation is the second step  after analysys and BEFORE coding is started.  I enforced it whenever I could.
Programmers hate this approach, because they can no longer be creative.
The 4GL languages changed this a bit, but I am now retired. Is JAVA a 4th GL Language? Honestly I don't know.

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