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Bug in azupnpav plugin 0.5.6
So I have an older Samsung LED TV with DLNA. I'm trying to get vuze to play a video to the TV over LAN. 
This fails with error "Download failed too recently, ignoring". 
I looked closely at what's causing the error. It appears that vuze fails to download connectionmanager schema:

Renderer: getSupportedSourceProtocols failed: Download failed too recently, ignoring
org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.resourcedownloader.ResourceDownloaderException: http://mytvip:52235/ConnectionManager1.xml: Error on connect for 'http://mytvip:52235/ConnectionManager1.xml': 404 Not Found

Indeed, there is no schema at "http://mytvip:52235/ConnectionManager1.xml"

Now, the connection manager schema url comes from the device descriptor schema, which vuze downloads successfully:

Downloading: http://mytvip:52235/dmr/SamsungMRDesc.xml

The content of the device descriptor is as follows:

<root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0">
<dlna:X_DLNADOC xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:device-1-0">DMR-1.50</dlna:X_DLNADOC>
<friendlyName>TV in a living room</friendlyName>
<manufacturer>Samsung Electronics</manufacturer>
<modelDescription>Samsung DTV DMR</modelDescription>
<modelName>Samsung DTV DMR</modelName>

So it turns out that ConnectionManager1.xml schema url on my TV is relative to the location of the device descriptor schema. Namely:

and not

where vuze is trying to find it.
Same goes for AVTransport1.xml and RenderingControl1.xml schemas.

According the UPNP specs, SCPDURL is "
relative to the URL at which the device description is located". Vuze appears to be looking for it in the root of the server.

I tried doing a playback on my windows medial player 11 DLNA and it works just fine with my TV.
So I'm wondering if there is a bug in the vuze plugin or and obscure issue with my TV DLNA configuration. I'm running the latest Vuze 5.7 with the latest upnp plugin 0.5.6 on Windows 7.

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