(12-18-2016, 06:07 AM)'Buddyboy' Wrote: I am new to Vuze and this forum. A major reason I switched to Vuze is the ability to bind it to my VPN. I followed the instructions and now my bionding appears to work perfectly but one question remains, the answer to which would provide peace of mind. When I connect to my VPN I have it selected to go to the best server in a particular country. That means the server, and sometimes the country, may be different each time. Does that mean I need to set up the binding each time, or does the binding endure no matter where the server is located?
STOP all torrent activity
On my settings (yours maybe different, keep that in mind
Tools / Options / Connection / Advance Network Settings
Bind to local IP address or interface: eth3
Mind is eth3 because it says " (TAP - Windows Adapter V9) and it lists an IP address that belongs to my VPN
Make sure you have the settings and then click SAVE
Start your torrents (or a selective FREE - non copy-right infringement torrent like a copy of 'nix IOS or something that you know is 100% copyright free)
After a few minutes you should see at the bottom of your screen a pipe like icon (looks like a "t" pipe to me) and it should be green. This means all is good to go.
If you hold your cursor over the pipe icon you should see something like "bindings: (vpn ip) forced yes/no" on the next line you should see "connections (vpn ip) incoming xyz, outgoing xyz"
if it's red - thats bad
now if you want to test out your binding, go to your VPN app and turn it off. After a few minutes, vuze should start to "error" out look at your torrent, look at the sources and all your trackers should start to error out and eventually the health icon should go from green to red.
This means that vuze has stopped seeding and you should be good to go. Restart your VPN client and wait a few minutes and either manually refresh your torrent or wait for the trackers to refresh themselves, and your health should go from red to green again.
Again I URGE EXTREME CAUTION, do NOT TEST THIS OUT on copyright infringing torrents. Also, this all varies on the type of VPN you use.
My VPN has it's own client, and I can click connect/disconnect with out hesitation and vuze will continue to see, jumping back to my original IP address, but w/ the bindings set, it won't. ALSO, my VPN has a "kill switch" in it's app, meaning when I disconnect or it looses it's connection, all Net Acitivity is shut down (a very nice feature, that I just recently discovered).
So investigate your VPN, if it's a client check out those options, look around, ask if they have a button for kill acivity, they just might have it and it will help you out. I use both the binds and the kill switch so I figure it's a good backup. It hasn't failed me as of yet.
I forgot to mention, my VPN has servers all over the planet, so no matter what server in what country I pick, I'm still "binded" to my VPN. I don't have to worry. It is what a previuos poster mentioned, your binded (bounded?) to the Network Interface and you don't have to worry about switching things up because your server is in US, CA or GER or whatever...
Investigate, research, ask questions before mucking around in your bindings and sharing of torrents, be safe out there!