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AzCatDest only moves files when they finish
Centos 7
AzCatDest 0.0.2
Java 1.7.0_71
 Oracle Corporation
SWT v4403, gtk
Linux v3.10.0-123.9.3.el7.x86_64, amd64
V5.4.0.0/4 az2

I used to be able to change a torrent's category, stop and start the torrent, and it would be in the new category's directory.  It no longer does this.  It will only move the files when it finishes.  Before it finishes and after, it won't move.  Under Options->Files->Completion Moving, all of the boxes are unchecked.  I tried a fresh install of Vuze on another computer, and it does the same thing.   I tried older versions of Vuze, same issue.  I was unable to find 0.0.1 of AzCatDest, so I was unable to test that.  I'm sorry if this has been discussed before, but I'm unable to find that discussion.   Thank you for any help you can share!  
It was azcatdest_0.0.2. Found 0.0.1 in ~/.azureues/plugins/azcatdest/

Now it works as expected. Sorry to bother everybody and I hope this helps somebody in the future!
(11-09-2014, 02:11 PM)'weoh' Wrote: It was azcatdest_0.0.2. Found 0.0.1 in ~/.azureues/plugins/azcatdest/

Now it works as expected. Sorry to bother everybody and I hope this helps somebody in the future!


With azcatdest, the pluggins do not move files to the newly created folder when I do categorize them; tried to stop and start; recheck files, and nothing initiated the move.

I am running Vuze

Is there any updates for the pluggins?  Am I missing a step here?

Thank you,
To the best of my understanding the plugins should auto-update so I do not think that is the problem.  Now it might need an update and does not have one . . . but I just do not know!
(12-20-2015, 11:55 PM)'GaryE' Wrote: To the best of my understanding the plugins should auto-update so I do not think that is the problem.  Now it might need an update and does not have one . . . but I just do not know!

Thank you GaryE for your quick reply.  I believe the AzCatDest was updated to the newest version:  AzCatDest v0.0.2.

I tried to utilzie the older version plugin; and was foreced for an update; and then Vuze Restart.

However, I am establishing a virtual PC, so I can test the plugin thorougly.  I had a hard time completely uninstalling the Plugin from my main PC. 

It had been more than 4 years since I tried it last.

AzCatDest was performing the following, form what I remeber:
- When categorizing File within Vuze, and with a Stop, and Start; the whole File/Folder will transfer to the specified Folder that was created and mapped via AzCatDest.
- Also, the .Torrent file will move to the new folder.

You can imagine how much the plugin saves time, by categorizing files.  Also, was able to seed more files; since I don't have to worry about putting everythin in one Default Torrent folder.


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