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Automatically assign TAG based on TRACKER
Using latest published version, Win 7.
I would like Vuze to automatically assign a TAG at the completion of the download based on tracker.
Read Wiki.
"Properties can be applied to manual tags to automatically constrain their contents."
"The 'Trackers' property allows assignment to a tag to be based on what tracker urls appear in the download's torrent"
Other than this descriptive line, the Wiki does not give an actual syntax example.

Nothing that I enter in the "Trackers" property makes torrent to be assigned the given tag on completion.
I have tried taking the main tracker line and entering:
A) complete line, such as:
Nothing happens
B) just name of tracker, such as:

I have tried many other variations.  
I have tried complete strings; incomplete strings (tracker name only); one URL or multiple URLs.
I have tried a wildcard character * at the end/beginning/both of an incomplete string.
Nothing happens, the tag is not assigned no matter what I enter in Properties>Trackers box.

Is it possible to have Vuze automaticlaly assign a tag to a torrent based on the tracker URL information?
If YES, could someone please provide the correct procedure, syntax and provide an example.

The 'Tracker Properties' field must match the full DNS name of the tracker. So for Vuze update torrents you would use

This would seem to match with your example in B though. Note that the port number is not included, just the host name

Currently there is no straight forward way of saying 'complete' torrent with tracker X, you would need to use two tags. 

The first tag TAGA auto-assigns all torrents with the given tracker using the 'Tracker Properties' 

The second tag TAGB has a 'Constraint' that just selects the completed torrents from TAGA:

isComplete() && hasTag( "TAGA")
(08-20-2015, 10:33 AM)'parg' Wrote: The 'Tracker Properties' field must match the full DNS name of the tracker. So for Vuze update torrents you would use

This would seem to match with your example in B though. Note that the port number is not included, just the host name

Currently there is no straight forward way of saying 'complete' torrent with tracker X, you would need to use two tags. 

The first tag TAGA auto-assigns all torrents with the given tracker using the 'Tracker Properties' 

The second tag TAGB has a 'Constraint' that just selects the completed torrents from TAGA:

isComplete() && hasTag( "TAGA")
Awesome!  It worked.

The correct syntax is:
"The complete URL up to (but not including) port number, and ommitting http://"
such as:

Verified and it worked perfectly for different trackers.
Perhaps a person with edit rights in Vuze Wiki can edit the pertinent paragraph and save some poor sap some time.

Thanks for the assist.

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