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“High” CPU usage...
Hi, all!

I noticed Vuze lately uses much more CPU power than it used to, or at least more than I recall it using several months ago...

It oscillates between 03, 07, 15, even around 25 (%) in the task manager... While all the other processes are 00!

Is this normal?

Is this convenient? I don't think it's too good for the CPU when Vuze is running 16 h a day, 7 days a week, like I do! But I want to seed a lot...

I wonder if something could be done to appease the frog... :D

Thank you.
If you join the beta program ( and run Vuze for a while this will generate some thread tracing - then go to the Help menu and select the last option (generate debug info), select the 'manual send' option and email the over to I'll take a look

In general having your CPU running continuously at even 100% isn't going damage it - there aren't any parts that are going to wear out - however it obviously uses more energy/generates more heat - for me it is an issue if it causes the fan to kick in and make a noise.
Interesting...  I recently installed v5.7.1 after using v4.8.0 for years. My favourite tracker won't allow v5 and above,  but I wanted to try 5.7.1 anyway.

One problem I had was some unwanted stuff - "Malware Protection Live" - that came bundled with it. I eventually restored an old System Image as a way of being sure I'd got rid of the malware. I posted about it here and, surprisingly, no responses have been posted:

One thing I noted, but didn't post about because I forgot about it, was that while I was running v5.7.1 my CPU was hitting 25% for several seconds - 15 to 30 as I recall - which it never does with v4.8.0
It sounds as if you accepted an offer during installation - all offers that may be shown when installing Vuze are completely optional (hit the 'Decline' button). 

I do many test installs of Vuze. I never accept the offers and I have never had anything installed other than Vuze itself.
(06-01-2016, 08:31 AM)'parg' Wrote: It sounds as if you accepted an offer during installation - all offers that may be shown when installing Vuze are completely optional (hit the 'Decline' button). 

I do many test installs of Vuze. I never accept the offers and I have never had anything installed other than Vuze itself. 

So are you saying that the Vuze installer (Vuze_5710_Installer32.exe) on the Sourceforge website ( does contain these "offers"?

This is important.

If this is the case then people need to know what to do to stop this stuff installing. The "Malware Protection Live" that I found on my PC after installing Vuze v5.7.1 is nothing more than a worthless scam:

It is very sad if Sourceforge is going down this route, or is it just Vuze?

Having a small and insignificant "Custom Installation" link underneath a huge "INSTALL" button is NOT the way to make users aware of what they are installing.

If and when I reinstall this version of Vuze (5.7.1) I will check again for the appearance of the "Custom Install" link and will also check the high CPU usage that I was seeing. I find the latter quite worrying.

Final note: there was a time when we could trust everything downloaded from Sourceforge. Those days appear to be over.
Parg replied my email, and he said this:

Quote:Your thread usage is mainly down to the 'I2P Helper' plugin that handles anonymous stuff like anonymous downloading, ratings, chat etc. It naturally uses a bit of CPU due to the crypto load - if it is too much then you can disable the plugin via Tools->Options->Plugins->I2P Helper.

You could try that yourself to see it helps.

It's true unreliable offers when installing software are annoying... Maybe even problematic. But it's also true that if you are careful when installing the programs, you can decline them all and they shouldn't install at all, especially when they are trusted apps like Vuze, or most of those from the Sourceforge. I guess it's the price for getting good programs “for free”...

Best regards.
(06-03-2016, 02:05 AM)'Valtiel' Wrote: Parg replied my email, and he said this:

Quote:Your thread usage is mainly down to the 'I2P Helper' plugin that handles anonymous stuff like anonymous downloading, ratings, chat etc. It naturally uses a bit of CPU due to the crypto load - if it is too much then you can disable the plugin via Tools->Options->Plugins->I2P Helper.

You could try that yourself to see it helps.

It's true unreliable offers when installing software are annoying... Maybe even problematic. But it's also true that if you are careful when installing the programs, you can decline them all and they shouldn't install at all, especially when they are trusted apps like Vuze, or most of those from the Sourceforge. I guess it's the price for getting good programs “for free”...

Best regards.


Thanks for the tip about the 'I2P Helper' plugin. When/if I reinstall the newer version of Vuze I will certainly check the CPU usage again before and after disabling that plugin.

I am quite happy with v4.8 - the only reason I want to update Vuze is that one private tracker I use has banned Vuze versions below 5.0 and another has banned versions above 5.0! Pretty annoying!

Yes, next time I install it, I will do it via the "Custom" link and avoid installing "Malware Protection Live". I still find it unbelievable that they would bundle this garbage with the Vuze installer. It brings the name of Vuze and Sourceforge into disrepute.
It is NOTHING to do with the CUSTOM LINK - all you have to do is DECLINE the offers.
(06-03-2016, 07:25 AM)'parg' Wrote: It is NOTHING to do with the CUSTOM LINK - all you have to do is DECLINE the offers.


Thank you parg. I just installed 5.7.1 on another computer, declined the offers and didn't get any offers installed.
Thumbs Up 
I've been running Vuze without I2P for a couple of days... The CPU usage is back to normal! Now it's 00 %, maximum 01 %. So it was indeed I2P what was using all those CPU resources.

I liked the concept of anonymous downloading via I2P... But the truth is, only a few torrents can be downloaded anonymously, at least yet... And I need all the CPU to work and video encoding. So I'm going to leave it disabled for a while.

It's solved, then, thanks a lot! :)
Thanks uninstalling I2P Helper fixed the cpu overload for me.
Had nearly 100% usage on a dual core 2.4 Ghz...

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